Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

I in Morning, April 24, 1957 FORT WORTH STAR- TELEGRAM PAGE TWENTY-THREE 'No Fight With Doctors' Parents of Youth Explain Opposition to Transfusion Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Phillips, Arlington couple who because of their religious convictions refused to let doctors give their hemorrhaging son a blood transfusion, told the Star-Telegram Monday that the refusal had nothing to do with opposition to the medical profession.

"The good that the medical profession has rendered and continues to do is appreciated by all Christians, said couple, members of the Jehovah's Witness sect. They explained that they opposed blood transfusions on Scriptural grounds. Their son, Larry, 15, began hemorrhaging after a tonsillectomy. A court order had to be obtained before the boy could be blood transfusions Friday morning. Larry, who was reported in critically weakened condition for a time, was making a satisfactory recovery in Fort Worth Osteopathic Hospital Monday, the parents said.

Results of X-rays showed that a peptic ulcer was the source of the bleeding, officials of the hospital said Monday. In their written statement explaining why they refused their permission for the boy to have a transfusion, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips said they had requested the doctors instead to use one of "the many good blood substitutes." They said they considered a blood transfusion to be a form of drinking, and Christians quoted Acts are admonished to abstain from blood." They also mentioned Genesis 9:4, 5, and Leviticus 17:10 on the subject. The Phillipses continued by predicting that the medical profession "in the very near future" would "reverse itself on the use of blood and go to substitutes altogether." "In the final say, Jehovah God will vindicate His word the Bible and prove to mankind that blood is sacred and not to be tampered with," the statement said.

The couple expressed a wish "to make it very clear that we do not have a fight with the medical profession or oppose it." If they had had such objections, they added, they would not have taken the boy to the hospital and placed him in the care of doctors. Commenting on the statement by the boy's parents, an official of the osteopathic hospital said that injections of glucose and gentran were used extensively before the transfusion. The official said there is no such thing as a "blood substitute." TEXAS TV STATIONS (Programs for Wednesday) KRBC-TV (Channel 9) ABILENE Keewee Is Right or Con. Tar Dough 60 Ernie Theater for Day Time KGNC-TV (Channel Is Right Tac Dough on Ivory Tr'bie 60 Theater Day W. the Farm Tracer Your Life Detective 4) AMARILLO for Day Time Your Life F.

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Party Hour Payoff Day Champ. of Night Welk KEDY-TV (Channel 4) BIG SPRING Dean Frazier Moore Godfrey Lady Brooks Got Sec. Payoff Hour of Night Spts. Fair KCBD-TV (Channel 11) LUBBOCK Sports Is Right Clooney Tac Dough Knows Ernie Y'r Life Theater Legend for Day Time Spts. Margie KDUB- TV (Channel 13) LUBBOCK Dean Fair Tunes Moore Spt.

It Rich Godfrey Tomor'w Got Sec. Brooks Hour Payoff Day Spt. of Night KMID-TV (Channel 2) MIDLAND Time Room Spt. Tac Dough 60 714 Theater Spts. for Day Show KOSA-TV (Channel 71 ODESSA Edwards Spt.

at Noon Godfrey Brooks Party Perform. Day Hour of Night Spt. Owl Th'ter KTXL- TV (Channel 8) SAN ANGELO Am the Law of Life Al Karn. W'ther Rascals Godfrey File W'ther Morgie KPAR-TV (Channel 12) SWEETWATER Dean Fair Tunes Moore Spt. Lady Godfrey Brooks Hour Payoff Crosby Spt.

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Time KSYD-TV 6) WICHITA FALLS Dean Show Rascals Moore Edwards It Rich Spt. Lady Oakley Godfrey Brooks Payoff Hour Day of Night Spt. UNDERWOOD'S Real Old Fashioned PIT BAR-B-Q TO GO Boneless $1.15 Chicken $1.15 Spare Ribs $1.15 Sausage $1.00 Ham lb. $1.25 Also Bar-B-Que Beans, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw and Sweet Relish to Go In Our Cafeteria a Serving of Bar-B-Q and ALL YOU CAN EAT UNDERWOOD'S REAL OLD FASHIONED PIT BAR-B-0 "SERVING FORT WORTH AND ALL WEST TEXAS" 5437 River Oaks Hwy. 183 4505 Northeast 28th St.

(Haltom City) -Star-Telegram Photos by Bob Bain. QUEEN TOURS REALM--Miss Patsy Pitner, Denton's centennial queen, with pages, Jimmy Marbin, 6, at left, and Cherril Orr, 6, at right, rides in parade Highway Department Gets Low Bids Totaling $9,927,872 in Second Letting AUSTIN, April 23 -The State Highway Department announced Tuesday that low bids on the second half of some 1,383 miles of highway construction work totaled $9,927,872. The second group of bids came in Saturday, but were not tabulated until Tuesday. The total of low bids on Tuesday's and Friday's lettings was $19,256,338, the department said. Here are the projects, by ties: Tom Green-Farm 2335, 6.1 miles from 67 at Tankersly south to Knickerbocker, grading, structures and paving.

D. G. Brown Company, J. A. Pruitt and T.

M. Brown Sons. of Abilene. $109,730. Comal- S.

81, 3.4 miles from north bank of Guadalupe River to north of Farm 306, grading, structures and paving. Dean Word Company of New $1.398,084. Hardin- Farm 418. 2.3 miles from Farm 92 north of Silsbee to 2.3 miles northwest, grading, structures and paving. E.

W. Hable Sons of Corsicana, $162,932. Taylor -U. S. 83.

11.2 miles. from Jones County line to near Kirby Lake. grading structures and paving. Cage Bros. San Antonio, $1.826.963 Cameron Farm 511, 7.0 miles.

from U. S. 83 in Olmito to U. 8. 281.

grading, structures and paving. Ballinger Construction Company of San Benito, 95,903. McLennan-U S. 77, 10.5 miles from Falls County line to circle at Waco, regrading, widen structures and Mills paving. Fred Hall Son of Valley and Uvalde Construction Company of Dallas, $670,801.

Angelina- State 103. 2,8 miles from U. S. 59 in Lufkin to Herty, grading, structures and paving. Moore Bros.

Construction Company of Lufkin. $198.123, Dallas- S. 77, 0.8 miles from point south of entrance to Union Terminal parking lot to point south of Continental in Dallas. Grading, structures. storm sewers and paving, Texas Bitulithic Company of Dallas.

$1.671.653. Hood--Farm 51, 5.0 miles from end of Farm 51 southwest to Farm 201, grading, structures and paving. D. B. Buchanan Construction Company of Temple.

$115.378. Comanche- S. 67 and 377. 9.4 miles from Brown County line to Comanche. grading, structures and paving, Cage Bros, of San Antonio.

$602,660. Milam-State 36 and U. S. 79, 12.2 miles, from south of Cameron to U. S.

79 at Milano, grading. structures and paving, M. E. Ruby and B. Denney Jr.

of San Marcos and H. H. Construction Company of Austin, $815,468. Atascosa-State 346, 1.2 miles south of Poteet, Atascosa River bridge and approaches. M.

E. Ruby and B. Denney Jr. of San Marcos and H. K.

Construction Company of Austin, 068. Nueces--Farm 665. 102. miles from Farm 666 west of Driscoll to Farm 70 south of Augua Dulce and from U. S.

77 at Driscoll northwest to Farm 666 south of Banquette, grading, structures INSPIRATION PLUS Funnel Aids In Getting Gate Open HOBBS, N. April 23 (Spl). It was enough, almost, to make a preacher cuss. Rev. Jim Hall, pastor of First Presbyterian Church here, was showing visitors to the city around the oil fields Monday.

They were almost to a drilling rig when they had to stop their car for a locked gate. While talking of a way to open the wired-up obstruction, the men -there were four in grouphappened to look at the sky behind them. There, bigger than life, was a tornado funnel. "We watched it to see what direction it was going," the minister said later. "It didn't veer either east or west it just got bigger.

With that disquieting knowledge, they grabbed a pair of pliers and worked with zeal on the gate. The funnel got larger. They moved all the faster. So, it seemed, did the funnel. "I was just about ready to back off and run my car through the Hall said, "when we finally got it open." About that time, too, the funnel began to lift back into the sky but only after it had approached within half a mile of them.

They continued their tour. The visitors got a good view of the oil fields. They all got a ough view on the rest of the trip, of the sky. 29 Jacksboro Girls Form Centennial Debs JACKSBORO, April 23 Centennial Debs, with 29 charter members, has been organized here to help publicize the Jack County Centennial. Tre celebration of the county's 100th birthday is scheduled from June 29 through July 6.

The Debs, all high school girls. plans to accompany Centennial Belles and Brothers of the Brush on booster trips, and will accept other chores of assistance to adult promoters of the event. June Dunlap was named president, Kay Barry vice president and Pat Conway reporter of the Debs, True Hi-Fi comes to TV! Only the new Hoffman has 3-speaker Soundorama the one television system with true high fidelity sound realism. save Hear Springtime it during now and Jubilee. Hoffman FLUFF DRY LINENS FINISHED WEARING APPAREL FOLDED Cascade 5-1411 DRY LAUNDRY CLEANING AND.

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ROSEDALE STAR-TELEGRAM TELEVISION-RADIO CLOCK FM STATIONS: KRLD.92.5; 8:00 a.m. -Morning variety show with Don McNeill WBAP-570. Bulletin: 12:00 9:00 Noon Music and song hits for the news and housewife-KNOK. weather WEDNESDAY TELEVISION PROGRAMS WBAP-TV (CHANNEL 5) WFAA-TV (CHANNEL 8) KRLD- TV (CHANNEL Devotion Dean Show CBS minutes of news, weather, sports feature NBC Wonderland--Funny stories and cartoons for kiddies Kangaroo CBS electronic magazine for women Room Moore with Arlene Francis NBC Godfrey CBS Price Right-Challenge to the housewife Benell 11 Rich CBS or -Audience participation show NBC Lady CBS con Tac Dough program NBC School of Life CBSB Could You--Audience participation show NBC Matinee for Tomorrow CBS NOON NEWS-LOCAL KFJZ-TV (CHANNEL 11) Light CBS NEWS, WEATHER COLOR 5 Movie Club-- Matinee- 60 COLOR- NBC "On Again, Off Again," Paris" Turns CBS 'Scandal in Bert Wheeelr, Robert Woolsey "'Star of Wm. Powell, Ginger Rogers Ernie NBC Miss Brooks Party CBS Payoff CBS Alden THEATER COLOR-NBC Crosby CBS Clubhouse for a Day NBC Day Autry Romances NBC of Night CBS Carson- Spoilers of Time NBC California' Edition--McDonald, Eurly Show Little Margie Mills, Vandeventer WEDNESDAY WBAP-TV (CHANNEL 5) Mouse Club Navy Log and Harriet Theater Night Fights With Sherman News Telefacts Final of Sports Heart," Ann Harding, Alan Jenkins Off WEDNESDAY.

and WBAP-FM 96.3 MEG. With A. WBAP-WFAA 570 of Faith 5:45 Words of Faith Birds Almanac Early Birds Almanac; Sermonette Brown News (A) Special Nunnery Songs 8-00-Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club (A) True Story My True Stary (A) a Girl Marries Streets Around the House A) Music With Mills Music With Mills Music With Mills Music Mills Music With Mills Smith P. M. WBAP-WFAA 570 Harvey (A) Mkt.

R'ndup Cox Digest; Waltz Malone (A) Paar of Music Carnival of Music Carnival of Music Carnival of Music Carnival of Music Carnival of Music 3-00-News; Music With Music Morrell Music With Morrell Music With Morrell P. M. WBAP. 570 Lombardo Guy Lombardo Weather Mel Allen Morgan (A) Little Show of Mystery: News (A) Sobol Show; M. Block (A) Music Hall; News (A) Music Hall: News (A) Dancing Party; News (A) Wednesday Night Fights Time; News Nichtwatch Nightwatch Nightwatch Nightwatch Nightwatch Nightwatch Nightwatch Off KJIM 1 (870) Express Dreier and News F.

Webber Club Meditations 12.00-Weather News Bros. Quartet Jim's Big 40 News 5.15-Evening Stars Weather: 6:30, 7:05, 7:45 a.m.; 12 Noon, 5:00, 6:05 p.m. and paving. V. T.

Collins of Kingsville, $119.219. Wilson- -State 123. 11.7 miles from Karnes County line to S. 87 in Stockdale, grading, widen structures and E. E.

Hood Sons of San Antonio. $114.984. Uvalde- Farm 2369, 6.8 miles from U. S. 90.

west of Uvalde. northeasterly to U. S. 83 in Uvalde, grading, structures and paving, Schwope Bros. of San Antonio.

$60.216. Gillespie--U. S. 87. from northwest of Fredericksburg to Fredericksburg, widen bridges and paving Allen Keller Company of Fredericksburg.

$161.484. Polk- Farm 352. 5.3 miles from U. S. 59 in Corrigan to Pluck, grading, structures and paving.

John F. Buckner Sons of Cleburne, $98.262. Bowie--U. S. 67.

4.6 miles from east of Maud to west of Corley, grading and paving. John F. Buckner Sons of Cleburne. $72,289. Knox- Farm 143, 12.1 miles from King County line to Knox City, paving.

A A. Contractors of Olney, $78,475. Harding-Farm 770, 0.5 miles, through Saratoga, grading structures and paving. W. R.

Boyd. Inc. of Center, $84,385 Navarro--State 22. 17.3 miles, from Hill County line to Corsicana in sections. paving.

Public Construction Company of Denton. $95,447. Uvalde and Zavala--U. S. 83, 25.3 miles from south of La Pryor to Farm 117 in Uvalde, reshape and surface shoulders, McElroy Transport Company of Fort Worth.

$59,367. Nueces-State 286 and 44. 28.7 miles from Morgan St. in Corpus Christi to Champman Ranch and from Buena Vista St. in Robstown to Agua Dulce, paving.

Cage Bros of San Antonio, $144.876. Colins, etc. Farm 720, 237.1 miles from Denton County line to U. S. 75, seal coat.

Schwope Bros. and C. H. Allison Construction Company of San Antonio. $272.939.

Dallam, S. 287. 339.5 miles. from Sherman County line to Oklahoma state line. seal coat, Angelo Construction Company of Angelo, $378.842.

Bexar-U. S. 81, 1.2 miles from Martin St. to Guadalupe St. in San Antonio.

illumination. State Construction Company of San Antonio. $43.671. Dallas--Loop 12, Loop 12 with U. S.

80 and Jefferson frontage roads. just west of Arcadia. Park, signals, Sharrock Bros. Electric Company of Dallas, $31.490. De Witt, etc.

-U. S. 83. Guadalupe River bridge, U. S.

87, Colorado River bridge, State 71. Guadalupe River bridge. U. 183 and Coleta Creek bridge. U.

S. 59, painting structures. Courtney Construction Company of Austin. $14,144. Oil Field Worker at Hobbs Jailed After Wife Wounded AFTERNOON AND EVENING TELEVISION PROGRAMS KFJZ- TV (CHANNEL 11) WFAA-TV (CHANNEL 8) KRLD- TV (CHANNEL 4) ABC Defender Edwards CBS of the lungle Weather, Sports Sports ABC and Friends Step ABC Cross CUGAT COLOR- NBC of Lorraine" GODFREY ABC ABC PARTY COLOR NBC SHOW COLOR- CBS 730-Father Knows Best NBC ABC TV Millionaire Performance COLOR NBC Got a Secret CBS Is Your Life NBC Steel Hour CBS Patrol District Attorney Skelton CBS Weather, Sports Playhouse Playhouse NBC Theater Off Off and Sign Off Bandstand Variety Show Music L.

Welk Markets Yours Listening Bandstand Lawrence Show Pot Pourri You Time Music Jazz Mill, 3-05-Musical Portrait Highlights to Music 3:30 Afternoon Serenade Hour Off WEDNESDAY MORNING AND AFTERNOON RADIO PROGRAMS WBAP-WFAA 822 KRLD 1080 KFJZ 1270 KWFT 620 Devotional: Texas farm Bible Fellowship Patrol Bill Mack Sagebrush Serenade Jolley News 'Dawn Patrol Bill Mack Bunkhouse Ballads Stamps Quartet News; Top of Morning Bill Mack News- -Jack Nunnery 10:80 Club Top of the Morning Bill Mack Farm Editor News: Weather of the Morning News Markets Farm Ranch Report Club Top of the Morning Miller Brothers News Mornina News Top Morning World News Early Birds 1080 Club Top of the Morning Wiley and Gene Early Birds News News -Randall News Early Birds Top Tunes Top of the Morning Jingle Time Morning News Morning News News; Top of Morning Old Time Gospel Early Birds 1080 Club Top of the Morning Old Time Gospel Cedar Ridge Boys 1080 Club; News Top of the Morning Back to the Bible Cedar Ridge Boys 1080 Club Top of the Morning Back to the Bible News: Bandstand The Arthur News; Top of Morning The Arthur Bandstand (N) Godfrey of the Morning Godfrey News and Markets Show News: Wally Blanton Show Bandstand for Wally Blanton Show for News; Bandstand Morning News; Wally Blanton Morning Bandstand Entertainment (C) Wally Blanton Show Entertainment (C) Bandstand News News: Wally Blanton News Music Room Bandstand (N) Howard Miller (C) Wally Blanton Show Howard Miller (C) News Wendy Warren IC) News; Wally Blanton Wendy Warren (C) Plainsmen Quartet Backstage Wife IC) Wally Blanton Show Backstage Wife (C) Sack to the Bible Helen Trent IC) News: Wally Blanton Helen Trent C) Back to Bible IN) Our Gal Sunday IC) Wally Blanton Show Our Gal Sunday (C) WBAP-WFAA 820 KRLD 1080 KFJZ 1270 KWFT 620 News and Weather Jolly Farm News News-Randall Dinner Bell Murray Cox, RFD News Time, Place and Tune News: Weather Cedar Ridge Boys Road of Life IC) George Nolan Show Road of Life (C) Cedar Ridge Boys Quartet News; George Nolan Millet News; True R't to Happiness (C) George Nolan Show News; Markets Confession (N) Sec. Mrs Burton IC) George Nolan Show Sec. Mrs. Burton (C) Woman in My H'se (N) Ma Perkins C1 News; George Nolan Strike It Rich IC) News and Markets Pat Buttram (C) George Nolan Show Pat Buttram (C) News; Five Star House Party George Nolan Show House Party Matinee IN) House Party C) George Nolan Show House Party (C) Hilltop House 'N) Strike It Rich (C) George Nolan Show Nora Drake (C) Pepper Young Family Nora Drake (C) George Nolan Show Ma Perkins (C) News: Joe Reichman Dr. Malone (C) News: Dave Naugle Dr.

Malone (C) Joe Reichman Show Freddy Martin Dave Navale Show R't to Happiness (C) Joe Reichman Show News: Nick Paul Dave Naugle Show Bill Mack Show Joe Reichman Show Nick Paul Dave Naugle Show Bill Mack Show News Nick Paul News: Dave Naugle News; Bill Mack Norvell Slater Show Nick Paul Dave Naugle Show Bill Mack Novell Slater Show Nick Paul Dave Naugle Show Top Ten Norvell Slater Show Nick Paul Dave Naugle Show Top Ten WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS WBAP-WFAA 820 KRLD 1080 KFJZ 1270 KWFT 620 News; Dick West Allan Jackson (C) News: Dave Naugle News; Top Ten News Sports: Weather Record Revue Top Ten Bob Crawford Show News Weather: Dave Naugle Sports Final News--Sherman Lowell Thomas (C) Dave Naugle Show Lowell Thomas (C) News; Point of Law Hickman; News Fulton Lewis Jr. Sports: Amos 'n' Andy Freddy Martin Show Sports Final C) News-Randall Amos 'n' Andy News of World (N) Sports; Music Gabriel Hectter News; Sports Edward Murrow News; Sports Edward Murrow (C) News: Sports People Are Robert Lewis Dennis Sullivan Show Robert Q. Lewis News: Funny IN) Robt Lewis (C) Dennis Sullivan Show Robert Q. Lewis (C) Hit Parade News; Dennis Sullivan Mystery Time Recollections Dennis Sullivan Show Mystery Time Recollections (N) Hit Parade News: World Dennis Sullivan Show World News Naws: X- Minus One (C) Dennis Sullivan Show Analysis X- Minus One IN) Tonight Sleep No More Up Date News; Dennis Sullivan Up "Bate (C) Sleep No More (N) Up Date (C) Dennis Sullivan Show Up Andy Dennis Sullivan Show News; Ed Hamlyn Show News: Hit Parade Amos 'n' Hit Parade (N) Amos 'n' Andy Dennis Sullivan Show Ed Hamlyn Show Andy IC) News; Mystery Strip Sports: Ed Hamlyn Show One Man's Family (N) Amos 'n' Wagner Chorale Top Twenty Mystery Strip Ed Hamlyn Show News: Sports News-Naugle News News- Vandeventer Nick Paul Show News: Zack Hurt Show Ed Hamlyn Show Proudly We Show Zack Hurt Show Ed Hamlyn Show Heil Proudly We Hail Show Zack Hurt Show Ed Hamlyn Show Nick Paul Here's to Music Nick Paul News: Melody in Hi-Fi Zack Hurt Show Ed Hamlyn Show News: Here's to Music Zack Hurt Show Ed Hamlyn Show Here's to Musle Hi-Fi Zack Hurt Show Ed Hamlyn Show Melody in Hi-Fi Here's to Music Zack Hurt Show Ed Hamlyn Show Melody in Here's to Music Melody in Hi-Fi Off 'Til Dawn Zack Hurt Show News; Sign Off Sign Music (1360) KCUI (1540) KNOK (970) Show Clock KXOL Serenade Burkhart Weaver 8 at Sunrise Burkhart Show of Singing Christ Time 9:30 -Gospel Train Tucker Show Gospel Singing Willson Show Thomas Show Mitchell Show A Allen 12:00 -Jimmy Ciemons Show News Lindo Ship of Zion Tucker Show Hail Show Thomas Show News Starcher Show Randolph Show Roddy Show Hall Show at Sunset A.M.-Bob Bruton Concert Off Buddy Starcher Party Country Hits HOBBS, N. April 23 (Spl).

His wife in "extremely critical" condition after being shot in the abdomen by a 410 guage shotgun, Marvin Lee McFerrin, 36, was held in jail here Tuesday on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. City police said the oil field worker was arrested after he telephoned the police station and calmly reported that "I've just killed my wife." The victim, Mrs. Hazel McFerrin, 35, said between moans on an X-ray table Monday that "he did it. He pulled the trigger." Investigators quoted McFerrin as saying that the shooting grew out of an argument that had continued between the two for several hours. "She threatened to have me locked up in jail again," he said, "and she fussed at me for not keeping the house clean and because of the way I was correcting the kids." When officers arrived at his home, they said, the accused man told them he was telephoning his mother-in-law to tell her of the shooting.

The was shot in her right woman, close range, said investigators, and all the pellets remained in her abdominal cavity. The McFerrins have three small children, and each has a daughter by a former marriage, all living at home. Mrs. McFerrin has been employed as a nurse's aide at Lea General Hospital, where she was taken after the shooting. DEATHS IN TEXAS MRS.

FRED B. OWEN. CORSICANA, April 23 Fred B. Owen, 53, who died Saturday at her home in Corsicana, was buried in Oakwood Cemetery after funeral services Monday morning in First Baptist Church. Mrs.

Owen was born in burne and had resided in Corsicana 34 years. Survivors include her husband, Dr. Fred B. Owen; a daughter, Mrs. Edgar C.

Wareing of Lufkin: her mother, Mrs. Darwin Davis of Dallas: her father, J. S. Anderson of Fort Worth: a sister, Mrs. Ed Johnson of Dallas: a brother, R.

0. Anderson of Fort Worth, and two grandsons. JACK L. McNABB. KERMIT, April 23 services for Jack L.

McNabb, 51, superintendent of mit Drilling Company, will be conducted at 2 p. m. Thursday in First Baptist Church here, with burial in Kermit Cemetery. McNabb died of a heart attack Monday morning. He had lived in Kermit since 1937, moving here from Borger.

Survivors include his wife: two sons, Thomas Gary McNabb, with the Navy at Long Beach, and McNabb of Kermit: his mother, Mrs. Belle McNabb of Ranger; two brothers, David E. McNabb of Lakeview, and Ned McNabb of Los Angeles; a sister, Mrs. Helen Day of Tucson, and four half brothers. RUEL LYNCH.

PADUCAH, April 23 services for Ruel Guy Lynch, 56, who died Monday in a Paducah hospital, will be held at 4 p. m. Wednesday at Missionary Baptist Church with burial in Garden of Memories. Surviving are his wife: two sons, R. G.

Lynch of Friona and Theo Lynch of Paducah; two brothers, Arvle Lynch of Delwin and Charlie Lynch of Amarillo: three half brothers, Alex Lynch of Lamesa and John and Burton Lynch of Point; two sisters, Mrs. Bettie Wooley of Delwin and Mrs. Jack May of Littlefield; two half sisters, Mrs. Kate Chastine of Keene and Mrs. George Young of Grand Prairie, and three grandchildren.

C. C. TROXELL. SHERMAN, April 23 services for Charles Cecil Troxell, 54, retired farm implement dealer, who died Monday at a Sherman hospital, will be held at 10 a. m.

Wednesday at Dannel Chapel. Burial will be in Cedarlawn Cemetery. He is survived by his wife: three brothers, Ellis and Paul Troxell of Rhome and Clarence Troxell of Arkadelphia, and two sisters, Mrs. Drummond Burch of Saginaw and Mrs. Homer Merritt of Celina.

Deaths and Funerals 01 SAVAGE, H. 68, residence 1117 Chandler, passed away Monday daughters. local hospital. Survivors: wife; 2 Mrs. Herbert Thornton, Mrs.

Douglas Henry, Fort Worth; sister, Mrs. Geneva brothers, Lovelace, Roy Savage, Texico, New Houston, Mexico: Savage, Dallas: 4 grandchildren. Services 4 p. m. Wednesday Shannons Memorial Chapel, Rev.

Harold G. Flory officiat1ng. Interment Mt. Olivet. Arrangements Shannons.

CADDEY. ZENA, age 2. residence Enid, Oklahoma, passed Away Saturday in Oklahoma. Survivors: stepfather Harlyn Tucker, grandmother, Mrs. Mildren Zehrung, Houston.

Services 4 p. m. Wednesday Meissners, Chapel. Father Robert Douglas Martin officiating. terment Rose Hill.

Arrangements ners. TUCKER. MRS. SHEILA, 20, resiEnid. Oklahoma, passed away Saturday in Oklahoma, Survivors, band, A-2C Harlyn Tucker, mother-inlaw, Mrs.

Mildred Zehrung. Houston: father and brother, England. Services 4 p. m. Wednesday Meissners Chapel.

Father Robert Douglas Martin officialing. Interment Rose Hill, arrangements Cemetery Lots, Monuments 03 Cemetery Lots, Monuments 03 SOON EVERYTHING WHERE IT SHOULD BE CEMETERY MORTUARY MAUSOLEUM Mount Olivet 4 SYLVANIA AT 28TH ST, TE 1-1255.

Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Views: 5444

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.