Property Tax - Treasurer - Cerro Gordo County, Iowa (2024)


Due Dates

  • Property taxes may be paid in full in September each year or split into two installments:
    • The first half is due September 1 and becomes delinquent October 1;
    • The second half is due March 1 of the following year and becomes delinquent April 1;

Delinquent parcels are assessed an interest penalty that accrues each month the parcel remains delinquent.

Payment Methods

  • In office with cash, check, debit card or credit card (creditcards accepted for an additional fee)
  • Mail
  • Online

Pay Taxes Online

Pay your property taxes online with an eCheck for only .25 cents (which is less than a postage stamp!) or you can pay in-officewith a debit for no fee or a credit card for 2.25% of the total amount due.

Accepted Credit Cards (cards accepted for an additional fee)

  • MasterCard
  • Visa
  • Discover

Scheduled Payments

Cerro Gordo County allows scheduled payments of currents property taxes. Visit our office to set up automatic payments from your bank account.

Notice of Delinquent Taxes

The law requires:

  • A notice will be sent to property owners who have outstanding taxes as of November 1 and May 1.
  • A notice of the annual tax sale shall be mailed nolater than May 1 to the person in whose name the parcel subject to sale is taxed
  • Payments for redemption from tax sales must be paid by guaranteed funds. The rate of interest required by Iowa law to be paid on a redemption is 2% per month.

Delinquent taxes won’t be advertised in the paper until June 1st, but the publication fee goes on May 1st no matter what.

Property Tax Credits

  • Elderly and Disabled Tax Credit:

Property Tax - Treasurer - Cerro Gordo County, Iowa (1)

*** Important:Claimants of the elderly and disabled credit MUST file a claim EACH year in order to receive the (maximum) benefit of the tax credit.***

  • The Iowa legislature allows a property tax credit based on total household income for residents of Iowa, aged 65 and older, or age 18 and older and totally disabled.
  • The income is based on last years income. The total household income for 2023 must be less than $25,328.
  • The income requirements change annually. Claimants can receive a maximum tax credit up to $1000.
  • To file for this credit, complete and return this form to the office: 2024 Iowa Property Tax Credit Claim form.
    • It must be returned to the office before June 1st.

Over age 70: Those age 70 or older who don't qualify under the above listed amount may still qualify for a property tax credit. Those over age 70 can apply based on the federal poverty level guidelines as set by the Department of Revenue. The income guidelines are slightly higher than the 65+ credit, but it does work differenlty than the traditional credit. The 70+ tax credit acts as a "freeze" on the assessed property value once the base is established and other credits are taken into consideration. The first year a household qualifies will act as the base amount for the property tax freeze. Below are the income guidelines for this category:

2023 Household Income Guidelines
for Persons Age 70 and Over
If number of persons in family/household is:and total household income is less than:
For families/household with more than 8 persons, add $12,850 for each additional person.
  • Mobile /Manufactured Home Reduced Tax Rate:
    • The Iowa legislature allows a property tax credit based on total household income for residents of Iowa, aged 23 and older, or age 18 and older and totally disabled. Iowa Resident as of December 31, 2023.
    • Total 2023 household income must be less than $25,328.
    • Rented the property during any part of 2023.
  • Military Exemptions, Homestead Credits, and Tax Abatements:
    • Military exemptions, homestead credits, and tax abatements are administered by the Cerro Gordo County Assessor's Office. Contact the Assessor's page or office for further assistance.

New: 65+ Homestead Tax Exemption

House File 718 was signed into law on May 4, 2023, which establishes a homestead tax exemption for claimants 65 years of age or older.

Eligible claimants who own the home they live in and are 65 years of age or older are eligible. The deadline to apply is July 1, 2023, and will take effect on the property taxes due in September 2024. For the assessment year beginning on January 1, 2023, the exemption is for $3,250 of taxable value. For assessment years beginning on or after January 1, 2024, the exemption is for $6,500 of taxable value. Note: an exemption is a reduction in the taxable value of the property rather than a direct reduction in the amount of property tax you pay. The application can be found on the Iowa Tax website or by visiting or calling the Cerro Gordo County Assessor’s Office. If the exemption is granted, the exemption will be allowed for future years without future filing as long as the claimant continues to qualify. IMPORTANT: You MUST complete an application to receive this exemption....even if you already have an application for the homestead credit on file.


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Property Tax - Treasurer - Cerro Gordo County, Iowa (2024)


How do I pay property taxes in Cerro Gordo County? ›

Payment Methods

Pay your property taxes online with an eCheck for only . 25 cents (which is less than a postage stamp!) or you can pay in-office with a debit for no fee or a credit card for 2.25% of the total amount due.

Where can I find my property tax statement in Iowa? ›

Statements are mailed out to the titleholder of record each year after taxes are certified to the County Treasurer by the County Auditor's Office typically in July or August. Contact your County Treasurer if you have not received a property tax statement.

Where do I pay my property taxes in Sarpy County? ›

The Treasurer's Office accepts payments by cash, check, or credit/debit card in person at 1102 E. 1st Street, Papillion, NE 68046. Office hours are 8:00am and 4:45pm, Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays.

How do I pay my property taxes in Polk County? ›

Pay by e-check, credit card and debit card. To pay by e-check, please have the routing number and account number available. Transaction fees will apply. Call 515-286-3060 for property tax payments.

Can I pay my local property tax online? ›

Pay Your Local Tax Office

Depending on where you live, you may have several payment options: By check or money order sent through the mail. Online using a credit or debit card. Online using an electronic check payment (eCheck)

What is the property tax break for seniors in Iowa? ›

In addition to the homestead tax credit, eligible claimants who are 65 years of age or older on or before January 1 of the assessment year are now eligible for a homestead tax exemption. For the assessment year beginning on January 1, 2023, the exemption is for $3,250 of taxable value.

How long can you go without paying property taxes in Iowa? ›

Property taxes are due twice a year—March 1 and September 1. You have a one-month grace period to pay before you start paying a penalty of 1.5% per month.

Can I pay Iowa property taxes online? ›

Property tax payments can be completed in the following ways: Online at By mailing payment to Linn County Treasurer at 935 2nd Street SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404.

How much are property taxes in Sarpy County? ›

Under the budget, the levy remains unchanged at $. 28496 cents per $100 valuation, Sarpy County's lowest since at least 1985. Under this levy, a property valued at $280,121 would pay $798.23 annually in property taxes to the county.

How do I find out who owns property near me? ›

Reach out to the county clerk or recorder

The county clerk or county recorder should also know who owns a property in California. As long as you know the property's location and county, you can typically get the information for free. Even if you need to print documents, these offices typically charge minimal fees.

What is the phone number for Iowa property taxes? ›

Contact Information: Property Tax, Motor Vehicle, Drivers License: 712-792-1200.

What is the property tax rate in Iowa? ›

Overview of Iowa Taxes

Iowa has a statewide average effective property tax rate of 1.50%, which is well above the 0.99% national mark. As a result, Iowa has the 10th-highest effective rate in the country. Not in Iowa?

How do you pay property taxes in Texas? ›

Tax Code Section 31.06 allows property tax payments to be made with United States currency, check, money order, credit card or electronic funds transfer. A tax collector may adopt a policy requiring delinquent taxes be paid with United States currency, credit card or electronic funds transfer.

How do I pay my property taxes in Dade County? ›

You can pay online, in person, by mail, or in installments. If you can't afford to pay your taxes, please note that there is no provision in Florida law for your value to be reduced because of personal hardship or inability to pay.

Where do I pay my property taxes in San Jose del Cabo? ›

The only taxes due annually in Los Cabos are property taxes (Impuestos Prediales). These municipal taxes are published at the end of January and must be paid at the local tax office located in San Jose del Cabo next to the fire station, and in Cabo San Lucas in the municipality offices.

Where do I pay my property taxes in Johnson City? ›

There are several methods to pay property taxes. Taxes may be paid at the Johnson City Municipal and Safety Building located at 601 E. Main St., weekdays from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Payments be mailed to the City of Johnson City, P.O. Box 2227, Johnson City, TN 37605.


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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.