America's Newsroom : FOXNEWSW : July 25, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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formation, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. >> it's an extraordinary period of news as i can remember. i've been doing it for more than half a century. in terms of news this is the most tumultuous periodic think of. >> dana: america's turbulent political landscape. president biden speaks out for the first time about his decision to end his bid for a second term. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. good morning. >> bill: good morning. i'm bill hemmer. good morning at home. anti-israel. anti-america, pro-hamas activists condoning terrorism. quite a scene. thousands marching through the

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streets while the prime minister of israel was addressing congress and tearing down u.s. flags, burning them to ashes. that liberty bell is just defaced beyond repair. the things that are written on that are stunning. showing their hatred for america warning hamas is coming while russia and china take advantage of the chaos in the white house. flying bombers off the coast of alaska and apparently the russian navy is back in havana by this weekend. oh joy. former president trump addressing this during a rally last night in charlotte and earlier today on "fox & friends." >> we have to work in congress to get a one-year jail sentence. when they are allowed to stomp on the flag and put lighter fluid on the flag and set it on fire. when you are allowed to do that, you get a one year jail sentence and you will never see it again. all over the world putin and president xi of china, all over the world they are watching this. >> dana: he is right. russia and china flying bombers off the coast of alaska minutes before president biden addressed

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the nation last night. defense secretary lloyd austin will hold a news briefing in the next hour along with the joint chiefs chairman. >> bill: something to watch there certainly. jennifer griffin reports live from the pentagon. more now, jennifer, a lot is popping. good morning to you. >> good morning. no coincidence that russia and china teamed up for the very first time to send war planes to test u.s. response time in the hours just before president biden was to speak from the oval office explaining his decision to step aside. russia's defense ministry released this video today of russian war planes taking off from a military base. norad detected tracked and intercepted two russian planes and two peoples republic of china military aircraft operating in the alaska air defense identification zone. u.s. and canadian war planes intercepted them.

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the russian and prc aircraft remained in international airspace. this russian and china activity in the alaskan area is not seen as a threat. america's adversaries are likely to try to take advantage of this period of uncertainty and transition during the next six months. according the most national security experts. china's national defense spokesman did not attempt to tamp down deception. >> they are not limited to the military domain. deception is deep in its bones and would lie about anything to get its own way. the u.s. has long been undoubtedly an empire of lies. >> it is not just the pacific. iranian proxies in yemen continue to test the u.s. military's response time. >> iran understands that to truly challenge america, it must first conquer the middle east and for this it uses its many

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proxies, including the houthi, hezbollah, and hamas. that's why the mobs in tehran chant death to israel before they chant death to america. for iran, israel is first, america is next. >> u.s. central command took out two more houthi missile launch pads last night in yemen, almost daily occurrence. the top u.s. commander in the middle wrote to the defense secretary arguing the current strategy against the houthis is not working suggesting a need for stronger deterrent measures against iran and its proxies. dana, we'll hear from general brown and defense secretary austin in about an hour. >> dana: thank you so much. at least 23 people arrested as thousands of pro-hamas agitators protested israel's prime minister with destruction across washington. unbelievable. watch.

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[shouting and chanting] >> dana: demonstrators burning the american flag. brawling with police and defacing statues across the nation's capital. let's bring in our legal expert. what does the law say about this? >> the supreme court has held twice that burning the american flag is protected speech. it is part of political expression. a conversation in legal and legislative circles for i would say at least 50 years. we've seen efforts at the state level and congress to pass laws that would prohibit the burning of the american flag but the supreme court has repeatedly said no, this is protected speech. interestingly, justice scalia was part of the majority in a 5-four decision the first time they upheld this as protected speech and i want to read this what he said. if it were up to me i would put in jail every sandal wearing

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weirdo who burns the american flag. but i am not king. what we saw in washington, d.c. yesterday was horrifying. >> bill: donald trump said you burn the american flag you should get a year behind bars. that's not going to happen based on the law. however, if you look at these rallies from yesterday, who was there to stop them? the police that were seen in some of the videos were far outnumbered by those who showed up to cause harm. >> they were and again this is where this delicate balance comes in allowing people to protest peacefully. this became not peaceful and why the police stepped in. balancing first amendment freedom rights with that of public safety. i will say this. i really hope that the u.s. attorney in washington, d.c. and this is the office of d.o.j., remember, 93 offices in the united states. that's how the department of justice enforces the law across the country.

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here in washington the d.o.j. office is responsible as both the local prosecutor and the federal prosecutor. as i watched these horrible events unfold just blocks away from the bureau yesterday i thought to myself will the d.c. u.s. attorney enforce the law as vigorously as they did against january 6th offenders? i see several alleged crimes that were committed here. i see defacing federal property. union station is federal property, columbus plaza is owned by the national park service. the federal government has jurisdiction there. there is a federal law on the books that prohibits the destruction of federal property. we all remember that well during the summer of 2020. >> dana: but on the law about the flag. you can burn your own flag that you bought and paid for. if you take a flag that's federal property and you burn that, isn't that different? >> the point i'm getting to if it's part of a federal building,

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which federal property which we saw here it is not just that. it is the burning, the graffiti. these are violations of the law that i hope the department of justice takes very seriously given the fact that graffiti across federal property was a terrorist group is coming. hamas, and so you have local laws that were violated. vandalism, graffiti, defacing of property. federal laws broken here. again, i think there should be some serious questions raised with the department of justice asking do they plan to enforce the law against these protestors who did these kinds of terrible acts yesterday? >> bill: something to keep an eye on. i think yesterday they moved the security perimeter from the white house further away. i don't know what they are seeing there but want to keep the protestors away from the white house. they moved them across the street instead of the wall. >> again we know lafayette square is outside the white house. as i watched yesterday. memories, we all remember that, the burning of the things

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outside of the white house, defacing of federal property outside and there were a lot of arrests made. but again, this is a question for the department of justice. will you enforce the law, local and federal, against the protestors yesterday who defaced and destroyed federal property right here in washington, d.c.? >> bill: though protests went 24/seven when trump was in the white house. you could hear it just all over town and you know you could hear it inside the white house at that time, too. >> dana: what's the penalty for releasing maggots and crickets into the watergate hotel where netanyahu was staying? >> it was disgusting. the hotel, i hope, has filed complaints with the police department here. but the fact that people were allowed to release those things inside the hotel as foreign heads of state were staying there is unbelievable. you have to wonder about this chaos. are we safe? is the department of justice willing to enforce the law as vigorously against these people

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causing potential harm to benjamin netanyahu and right here in union station as they were the people who rushed the capitol on january 6th? it is a real question. >> bill: one more quick point. security in america, law enforcement officials and others have to give this long, hard thought here. we were in milwaukee. city in the center of town was on lockdown. secret service had the place locked down. there were six protestors here and three over there and never in great numbers. chicago will be a different deal. the same people you see in washington, d.c. will be in chicago. i know i made this point twice last hour and want our audience to understand. they will be all over new york city come september and october. you will have news networks walking down fifth avenue with the protestors and their live cameras and when did we see that? two years ago after dobbs. we saw it four years ago after george floyd and just like the clock ticks on the wall it will

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happen again in the fall of 2024. in fact, it's already here. thank you. nice to have you. >> outdoor events weather political rallies or a college football game. a concert. these are places that are often particularly challenging to secure adequately. >> bill: a warning in that statement. a way of life under siege. the f.b.i. director warning the assassination attempt on donald trump shows threats on u.s. soil can come anywhere. >> dana: the fox flight team giving us the gunman's vantage point on the roof with a bird's eye view. more from mike rodgers on securing the homeland next. amile has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit.

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>> i'm shaking. sweating. people are yelling at him. seconds to take that shot. no way he put that center mass and there was no trigger discipline. he just pulled the trigger, missed and then there was further evidence of no trigger discipline. he wasn't able to reacquire his target. >> interesting perspective there. the flight team, drone that flies in butler, pennsylvania. that's the perspective of the shoot evening on top of the roof looking past the tree to the stage where donald trump was on the evening 13 days ago in butler, pennsylvania. very interesting perspective. here is what we're trying to do here. come live and i want to show you what we've put together here. this was the gunman over here. from the drone's perspective. trump, two of the victims. third victim here. if we go forward one time here,

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this appears to be the range for how these bullets were fired and when they were fired. this is not exact but try to do our best to explain this to you. the shots come from over here, first one grazes trump's ear and continues on ward. it appears shot number two misses trump entirely and that's where david dutch was positioned right here. david dutch was critically injured. upgraded to serious. went home yesterday. good news for him and his family. another bullet that went right past trump and hit james on the far riser that would have been stage right during that rally. and then corey comperatore was in this location here and was shot on this near riser, three sets of people, two on the side of the stage and one behind and we are hoping the best for the

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second injured. david dutch is out of the hospital and appears he will recover. let's get to this. >> we'll leave no stone unturned. the shooter may be deceased by the f.b.i.'s investigation is very much ongoing. i have been saying for some time now that we're living in an elevated threat environment and tragically the butler county assassination attempt is another example. >> bill: christopher wray, a lot of interesting information there about the f.b.i.'s investigation revealing brand-new details about the gunman and repeating his warning about growing threats. mike rodgers with us, former f.b.i. agent. republican running for the u.s. senate in michigan. we were glued to the tv yesterday afternoon trying to glean any bit of new information that it offered especially given kim cheatle's testimony that was so empty on monday. what did you hear based on your

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experience with the f.b.i.? >> what they're trying to do now in my estimation they have to start -- that guy graduated from high school. something happened between then and the day of the shooting. some kind of radicalization, either self-radicalized, mental distress or external forces. they are saying they can't get into the encrypted files they have to spend time and effort and they need to go to the private sector. there are capabilities that might help them do that to get in there to understand were there external factors. they need to at least eliminate that possibility of somebody else helping this guy get up on that roof and crank off some rounds. that will be really important. i think it's really important for people not to leap to conclusions when he gets online and does a search for the distance between oswald and president kennedy. you know, this is that

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last-minute getting the nerves, trying to figure it out kind of a thing. i don't look too much into that except a fact pattern what his mental state and intent was and how far along he was in his planning on the day of the event. >> dana: what about the fact that he had these messaging applications that apparently are encrypted that we can't look at yet. there has to be a way. >> i think there will be a way. there may be some outside of the f.b.i. capability that they will have to access to do it. there are some cases where the encryption key is so long they just don't have the ability to get it yet. i'm going to bet that there is some capability out there that will allow them to do that and get into that capability but encryption is getting better. every day private encryption is getting better and when you have all the new technology, ai

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included, developing encryption keys it will get harder and harder for law enforcement candidly to get into these encrypted sites. >> bill: drone right now two hours prior and christopher wray talked about that. >> for about 11 minutes from i think it's around 3:50 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. he was flying the drone and we have the flight path. it is about 200 yards away from where former president trump would ultimately be speaking. and so that would have primarily given him a vantage point. we're having to -- because there is no recording of what he saw during those 11 minutes. >> bill: interesting because he said he was livestreaming. i don't know how the definition is you livestream to facebook, for example, is the common thought there. maybe he was sharing this online or maybe he was just streaming it back so he could see it

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himself. there could be a distinction there, sir. >> absolutely. first of all, the first question is two hours or less than two hours maybe even that that bird was flying up around on that site. i really need to understand what their security protocol was to allow anything that would get inside that perimeter circle. should be a cylinder all the way up to the sky and why they halt aircraft in the area. they do other things. you know there were people coming in so the security process had already started. why was that drone able to fly for 11 minutes into an area that should have been highly secure and why didn't that trigger off some security concerns at this thing? there is a lot of explaining to do for me on that piece. i just think he was using this. he did it two ways. he did it from where he would -- where his maybe the counter

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sniper teams would be to see what his location would look like. that makes a lot of sense to me. he wanted to see how much he needed to be to not see them and from the other way. he was at least thinking through all of the possibilities of what he would need to do not to be detected, number one, but the fact that he had 11 minutes of surveillance going on on a bird that should have been detected, boy, i need to know a lot more about that. >> dana: thank you so much for being here today. great to see you. >> great to see you. >> bill: mike rodgers. >> dana: new body cam video obtained by chuck grassley shows events immediately after the shooting. bryan llenas has more on this. >> beaver county emergency unit officers running toward the shooter after the assassination attempt against former president trump. >> i can't figure out how this guy got here. >> the officers then try to

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figure out how to access the roof of the agr building from where the shooter fired. >> can we use this ladder? >> once up the ladder and on the roof and apparent secret service agent is overheard. >> he was on the roof outside of the fence. >> and a trail of blood leads to the body of 20-year-old thomas crooks. ar-15 style rifle is also seen laying next to him as well as shell casings. >> those gunshots captured in new video from the horrifying day. [screaming and shouting] >> an officer begins to search crooks body finding a cell phone and transmitter. officers responding concerned about whether there is an active device.

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the video also confirms accounts of pictures of crooks and his possessions being shared with the secret service before the shooting. >> this is the guy that they saw. >> this is him. >> these videos given to fox were exclusively given to chuck grassley's office from the beaver county emergency services unit in compliance with congressional requests and new on wednesday medical update on the two survivors of that shooting. david dutch is discharged from the hospital and the other man continues to be in serious but stable condition. >> dana: thank you, bryan. fox nulls alert. did president biden level with americans on his reasons for exiting the race? what some say was missing from his oval office address, plus vice president kamala harris about to speak before a teachers union in texas where her remarks

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>> bill: fox news alert. monitoring washington for possible additional anti-israeli protests. scenes like this yesterday, flags burned, monuments defaced, general chaos, the host of the call me back podcast is back with us. dan, welcome to you. one of many signs in d.c. yesterday. swastikas, chants of allahu ak akbar. blank israel was written many times on the liberty bell. this is washington, d.c., not ramallah, gaza, or beirut. >> yeah, i have never expected to see something like this, bill. the only comparison i could think of is the protests -- i wasn't alive for them but studied them the protest movement against the vietnam war in this country in the late mid

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to late 60s, early 70s. there were two major distinctions. one, many of the protestors, as much as i disagreed with their sentiment and policy. many had skin in the game. they were watching their friends and family members go fight a war, the war they didn't believe in and get killed 56,000 americans killed in that war. these are people who had skin in the game even if you disagree with their policy prescriptions. the image we're looking at right now of someone spraying a pro-hamas graffiti on a national monument. they don't have skin in the game. no one asking them to fight this war. what exactly are they so upset about? they don't protest against any other human rights violations or wars around the world. they are not being asked to go fight in this war. what is going on here? i will tell you what is going on here, one thing going on here. the jewish state. the only time these people get

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organized to do this kind of damage to our country and to other people is when the jewish state is implicated. on the one hand the oldest hatred and a new world for us on the other hand. i think there needs to be an incredible pushback against this from a range of authorities, not the least of which is those people leading the democratic party right now because it is these activists right now are advocating in part in favor of the democratic leadership and democratic leadership needs to speak out. >> dana: one of the things that a u.s. official told axios, it is possible to close a deal and it is time to close a deal on hostages saying we have no time to lose. if we feel that netanyahu is playing for time we'll say so. for now this is not the case. to me -- i don't understand why they are blaming netanyahu. isn't hamas to blame?

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>> of course. a few things going on here. one, the administration has said repeatedly over the last six to eight weeks that the netanyahu government has accepted the deal. the one that president biden laid out in late may. it is hamas that keeps rejecting the deal. so the pressure is on hamas at this point to accept the deal. i will say two things fundamentally have changed, though. one is israel has exerted enormous military pressure on hamas over the last four weeks after what i think was not aggressive enough pressure from january until around march, mid april. israel i think had taken their foot off the gas pedal. wasn't pushing as hard. in recent weeks they're pushing hard that resulted in a number of important victories, not the least of which is taking out one of the two architects of october 7th and as more israeli and american blood on his hands than anyone else in the middle east after the last number of

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years. so israel has exerted enormous military pressure which has put pressure on hamas to cut a deal. and then there are two other things going on. one, i think the recognition evidenced by prime minister netanyahu's address before congress yesterday that the united states more or less across the board stands by israel and so the hope that hamas had that there could be daylight between the u.s. and israel and that there would be pressure mounting on israel is now starting to wane. a number of the intermediaries from the gulf states are telling them things are changing and the other factor that's changing is our election is now in a very volatile period. the u.s. biden and harris will be distracted and b a good chance they are telling hamas negotiators donald trump could be the next president. you rather want to negotiate now than negotiate then. i do think there is enormous pressure on hamas right now and a very good chance they'll reach

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a deal on the first phase of what is being discussed in the next few weeks. >> bill: we'll see if you're right. we don't know how many hostages are even alive in gaza. thank you, dan. >> thanks. >> dana: thank you. >> president biden: you elected me to this office and promised always to level with you, to tell you the truth. the truth sacred cause of this country is larger than any one of us. those of us who cherish that cause, cherish it so much, a cause of american democracy itself. we must unite to protect it. >> dana: president biden's face leaving more questions than answers. a former staff -- i wanted to love the speech and i didn't. it rang hollow. you are left wondering for nine months you said you were the perfect guy and then questions

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about your health. you didn't address those and wanted to pass the torch. why not pass it before? can you understand, michael, why there are a lot of people going we don't really get it this morning? >> well no, look, the guy gets to have his last ten minutes where he gets to frame why he stepped out of the race. it happened twice in the 60s where a sitting president took themselves out of the nomination process. it hasn't happened since. i think biden gets credit for coming to the realization that the things that he cares about would not be passed along if he continued in the race. he was able to make an honest handicap of his political situation. we already know he is 81. if he had a successful term. if he was 61 he would easily win re-election. but does he have the fit necessary for four more of these years now? 90% of americans are glad he stepped down and 70% of americans think he ought to stay

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as president for the rest of the term. i'm at peace with what joe biden had to say last night. >> dana: let's set aside the age thing. president trump was handily in the polls running away with it against biden on the policies because he is older, too. does it read as old as joe biden does? on the age issue. but the american people are saying they are worried about affordability on the economy, inflation, border and crime. those are policy issues, harris has those same issues, right? >> i'm sure she does. she has the bull horn in her own hands and hear it in her own voice. 30% of americans wanted neither man to run. independents wanted neither man to run. joe biden stepped out and said take myself out of the game and you have another choice. maybe the race does come down to policy issues and who is old enough. donald trump did not look so great this morning on your

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airways. support of project 2025, not for -- for an abortion ban, not for mail-in voting. clearly now the republicans held joe biden to a standard of being old. donald trump looks pretty old today. >> dana: i want to play trump on "fox & friends" this morning. call for two so we have it here. >> it was terrible. it was like a terrible speech. terrible delivery. he looked like he was having problems and yet you watch the other networks and you would think he was ronald reagan in his prime, winston churchill in his prime and he wasn't. >> dana: he has said and he said this morning he is for early voting, michael. at this point let me pull up the polls for you. choice for president trump 49, harris 46. july 2nd it was trump 49, biden 43. i'm assuming you see a tightening here. is the exuberance that the democrats feel going to take you

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right into the convention? >> yeah, i think what happens is if joe biden were to run the same play he would have to win wisconsin, pennsylvania, and michigan. he could afford to lose places like arizona, nevada and georgia. because of harris bringing energy, particularly with young voters, biden did not have access to black and brown voters under the age of 35. he was only winning them by ten. a democrats needs to win them by 20. messenger matters. you can have the best platform but if you don't have a good messenger. i think think trump is the favorite to win the presidency as of today. there is a lot more play left to go between the democratic pick for vice president, the convention, and then i presume you have a couple more debates in the fall and people take another harder look at this. >> dana: good to see you looking so well. look out for the sharks up there

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in those waters and see you soon. take care. >> bill: lucky guy, right? 19 before the hour. house lawmakers gearing up to vote on a resolution taking the border czar, kamala harris to task for the ongoing crisis. we're watching that vote right now. president biden trying to put questions about his health to rest last night. did the oval office address do that or only fuel the concerns? dr. marc siegel and his observations on health coming up.

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>> dana: fox news alert. lawmakers are gearing up to vote on a resolution condemning vice president harris for her failure as the border czar. i'm sure the harris team doesn't like this. >> while we wait to see what the final vote is and watching how the media covers it and a great rebranding may be underway. here is how they reported harris being tasked the immigration duty three years ago. biden taps v.p. harris to lead response to border challenges. biden makes harris the point person on immigration issues. biden tasks harris with stemming the migration on the southern border. axios said harris appointed by biden as border czar. three years past. no change.

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suddenly she is the nominee and start seeing these headlines. axios, the trump campaign and republicans have tabbed harris repeatedly with the border czar title. time, kamala harris was never biden's border czar. harris border work with on root causes of migration. the white house a clear effort to reframe things. >> she was supposed to be doing root causes dealing with diplomacy. dipl diplomacy. that's what her job was supposed to be. diplomatic. that's the job. >> clearly republicans are leaning into it and we expect this to pass. we'll bring you the final vote when we get it. a final note. dana, we confirmed that harris never once spoke to the previous or current border patrol chiefs. >> dana: why would you? griff, thank you. >> they have nothing to do with his health.

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in his letter he talked about the country, the party, the moment that we're in right now. it is not about his health. i can say no that's not the reason. there has been no cover-up. want to be very clear about that. >> bill: the white house now rejecting the very idea that president biden is stepping aside because of his health or that those around the president have been hiding anything negative from you or anyone else. dr. marc siegel, professor of medicine at nyu langone. full disclosure, you have not observed this man, just from afar. what is your observation as of today? >> i'm also observing the press secretary from afar. guess who taught me how to read the teleprompter, you. guess who told me how to remain emotional content while reporting. dana. the president last night was reading off the teleprompter, eyes were not meeting the camera. he is quoting the declaration of

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independence without emotion. i feel -- i have not examined him and not there. to me he seemed depressed. and who wouldn't be under these circ*mstances? to kjp's point there is no health issue involved. there is nobody in america that believes that. we haven't heard from the president's doctor. i feel personally bad for the president. i feel compassion for him but i'm angry at the way the white house is handling this. not coming forward and not hearing from the president's doctor and getting no details. as you just pointed out to me we got six months left with the president at the helm presumably and we have wars going on here and we need a leader we can feel confident in. it isn't just about running for the next election. >> bill: you told fox digital it is a very emotional time for him and he is not showing it. what does that mean? >> i thought he was reading

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woodenly. i didn't sense the emotion he must be feeling. you know, if i was in that position i would be feeling embarrassment, wouldn't you? i say i'm running, can do it, up to it and suddenly i'm not. no details coming out. passing the torch. it wasn't a moment of great triumph. it is a moment of defeat and it didn't feel like he was trying to do that. i don't know who wrote the words. the words were fine. he read them well. i didn't sense what he was really feeling and what he was really telling the american people. when nixon resigned you couldn't even get through that without breaking into tears. >> bill: you said you still have an emphasis on compassion for him and you feel bad for him and us. here we go, unchartered waters for the next five or six months. marc siegel, thank you for coming on. >> i feel bad. >> dana: vice president harris will address the second largest teachers union ahead of a

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>> harris: vice president kamala harris is in houston right now giving a speech moments from now and no, she is in that border state. she will not actually be visiting the disaster zone of a border she created. liberal media glossing over all of it. plus he said it would take almighty god to make him drop out of the race for the white house. biden didn't even mention that last night in his oval office address. what's the truth about why he can't run again but he can run the country? texas senator ted cruz, missouri attorney general andrew bailey, kara frederic. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: any moment now vice president harris will take the stage at the aft national convention, the second largest teachers union in the country and major democratic party player. jackui heinrich is at the event in houston. hi, jackui. >> vice president harris watched

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president biden explain his decision to pass her the torch from houston where she spent the night ahead of her remarks today. >> president biden: just a few months the american people will choose the course of america's future. i made my choice. i've made my views known. i would like to thank our great vice president, kamala harris, she is experienced, tough, capable. she has been an incredible partner to me and a leader for our country. now the choice is up to you, the american people. >> now harris will address 3500 folks from the american federation of teachers, the union 1.8 million strong threw its support behind her but watching for her to make the most important decision why her candidacy, selecting a running mate. there are several names up for consideration several sources tell us three from emerged in the top. arizona senator mark kelly,

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pennsylvania governor josh shapiro and north carolina governor roy cooper. clyburn is calling on harris to choose a moderate candidate. >> he did it because johnson was from texas and he needed johnson in order to help moderate the ticket. so i want to ask her to look tht the program, look at all these people and see who can best moderate the ticket. and get that person. >> conventional thinking has been that shapiro would help give democrats the best through the blue wall states michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania if he were on the ticket there. there have been some headlines this week including from "newsweek" saying that he would be a risky choice because of his faith and that is generating a

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lot of pushback that it is anti-semitic. of course, this discussion is all happening as vice president harris meets with the israeli prime minister today, benjamin netanyahu at the white house. that conversation is continuing to under fold. >> dana: we're glad you are on the ground for us. thank you so much. point out one thing. she is there talking in houston and the teachers union there, here is the houston school district proficiency scores. fourth grade at or above proficient, it doesn't get better when they get to eighth grade unfortunately. math at 18%, reading at 18%. it would be very interesting, an opportunity for kamala harris to address the education problems in this country. we'll see if she does that. >> bill: we can do better, we must do better. >> dana: in time. great to see you. i'll see you on "the five" the afternoon. "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert. vice president and now

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